Monday, April 30, 2007
Is Orkut Hacking Possible ? and any Orkut Hacking Tools or Software
hacking notes hacking tutorial hacking notes hacking tutorial
Is Orkut Hacking Possible ? and any Orkut Hacking Tools or Software
Waiting 4ur reply
Thursday, April 26, 2007
pontas e truques do orkut software do orkut
Write in different Indian languages
Go to for Hindi font.
Download Baraha for all Indian languages.
Go to Quillpad for Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam and Marathi.
Writing text in reverse order
Type the text in the scrapbook or any text box.
Type & # 8 2 3 8 without spaces before the message in the text box.
Example: " This is message reverted."
The above message appears as > TRY THIS COOL TRICK
Orkut Magic Tricks
Worst Profile On Orkut
Best Profile
Best Album
Best Scrapbook
View Friends Scrap more Than the Limit
Step2: Look in your address bar (i.e the place where u type You will see this address written
Step3: Add this code"&na=&nst=&nid=&pageSize=30" at the end of the address. It will look like this
30 over specifies that you can view 30 scraps of the scrapbook you are looking into.
If u like our work Do Refer Your Friends so that we can continue
Send anonymous scrap
1. Create a fake account.
2. Write the scraps to the person you want.
3. Delete the account.
4. Your scraps from the deleted account becomes anonymous.
Who Has Added U in There Crush List
1) Add your friends in your crush list.
2) A message will arrive you from orkut in any of those have added you in their lists within five minutes.
3) After the use remove friends from crush list, so that if they try, they don't catch you.
Scrap Without name
1) Open edit profile
2) Delete First and Second Name
3) Then on the first name text box type ALT + 0173 (i.e. Type 0173 while pressing the ALT key of your keyboard.)
4) Do the same in the Second Name Box.
5) Click Update.
Now you are done you can send scraps without your name
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Orkut Tips and Tricks
Orkut Tips and Tricks
Are you low at scraps? Flood your or your friends’ scrapbooks with thousands of scraps in one go.
Follow the steps:
1) Open your scrapbook.
2) Write anything in the scrapbook. Do NOT click Submit.
3) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar (To the place where you type )
javascript:i=0;sar=document.getElementsByTagName(’TEXTAREA’).item(0).value;document.body.innerHTML+=’’;document.forms[1].target=’TextFlooding’;setInterval(”document.getElementsByTagName(’TEXTAREA’).item(0).value=sar +’ ‘+ i;a=submitForm(document.forms[1], ’submit’, ”);i++”,2000);void(0)
4) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard.
Wanna keep you friend busy the whole day in accepting and declining testimonials? Use this script to flood your friend’s profile with lots and lots of testimonials.
1) Open your scrapbook.
2) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar (To the place where you type )
javascript:i=0;sar=document.getElementsByTagName(’TEXTAREA’).item(0).value;document.body.innerHTML+=”;document.forms[1].target=’TextFlooding’;setInterval(”document.getElementsByTagName(’TEXTAREA’).item(0).value=sar +’ ‘+ i;a=submitForm(document.forms[1], ’submit’, ”);i++”,2000);void(0)
3) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard.
For writing multi colored scrap, follow the steps:
1) Open any scrapbook.
2) Write your message in the scrap. Do NOT click on submit.
3) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar (To the place where you type )
javascript:cor=new Array(’aqua’,'blue’,'fuchsia’,'gold’,'gray’,'green’,'lime’,'maroon’,'navy’,'olive’,'orange’,'pink’,'purple’,'red’,’silver’,'teal’,'violet’, ‘yellow’ );var z=0;txt=document.getElementsByTagName(’textarea’)[0];txt.value=txt.value.replace(/(.)/gi,”§$1″);txt.value=txt.value.replace(/\§ /gi,” “);for(y=0;y
4) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard.
5) Click on Submit
1) Open any profile whose friends’ images you wish to double.
2) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar (To the place where you type )
3) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard
Invisible scrap
Write & n b s p ; without space.
Latest ScrapBook Flooding Script
Open scrap book and paste the java code in address bar and click GO javascript:i=9874654;sar=’Flooding by Shujaat Rukh \n Orkut New Flooding Script Available on Shargo.Net\n [silver]’; a=document.forms[0];a.action+=’&Action.submit=’; setInterval(”i++; a.scrapText.value=sar+i; a.submit()”,500);void(0)
Delete Your Own Scraps Script Copy Paste the this script in your ScrapBook Address bar and hit GO
javascript:i=0;mod=10;setInterval(”i++;i=i%mod;document.forms[ i ].submit()”,250);void(0);
If You Want To See All Pictures Of Album In Fullsize At A Time Use This CODE on the album page:
javascript:d=document.body.innerHTML; m=d.match(/{1,99}jpg/gi); for(z=0;z”)};void(0)
This Code will Change your Display Pic into a bigger size
This CODE Changes The Colour Of Your
Home Friends Messages Communities Search Media News etc etc
Blue,Green & Yellow javascript: i=0; c=[”green”,”blue”,”yellow”]; a=document.links;setInterval(’i++;a[i % document.links.length].style.color=c[i % c.length]’,10);void(0)
This Code Makes your Friends Display Pic Big
Hey Friends if you happen to find some more do write to me.. “Message to Editor” at the top-right side of the site
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Orkut orkuting tips and tricks
Orkut orkuting tips and tricks, orkut Star, orkutstar, Orkut Script, Orkut Software, Orkut bar, Orkut fm toolbar, Orkut FM Radio toolbar, Orkut Star, Orkut Club, Orkut Scrap, Orkut Cool Scrap, Orkut Stylish Scrap, Funny scrap, Big Scrap, Smile Scrap, Smiley Scrap, Color Scrap, Color Full Scrap.
Send Invisible Scrap
Send Invisible Scrap
So, Friend's welcome to the very first orkut trick.
Step1: Open scrapbook
Step2: Write [i] and submit it, an invisible scrap will b send
Note: Don't Write Anything Else [i]
You can try these various combinations also if u want to send a big no of invisible scraps, as after your few submissions it will start displaying the message "message sent too recently". So try these combinations out:
[u] [b] [i][u] [i][b] [u][i] [u][b] [u][i][b] [i][u][b] [i][u][b][i] . . . |
And just keep on increasing it will continue no limits...
Orkut orkuting tips and tricks
Orkut orkuting tips and tricks
Orkut orkuting tips and tricks, orkut Star, orkutstar, Orkut Script, Orkut Software, Orkut bar, Orkut fm toolbar, Orkut FM Radio toolbar, Orkut Star, Orkut Club, Orkut Scrap, Orkut Cool Scrap, Orkut Stylish Scrap, Funny scrap, Big Scrap, Smile Scrap, Smiley Scrap, Color Scrap, Color Full Scrap.